Credit card collectors are always looking for ways to increase the number of cards in their collections. Some collectors have found that name changing is the fastest and easiest method available to acquire massive amounts of credit cards.
Using a nickname
The way name changing works is when applying for credit cards the collector uses a nickname. Example: Dorothy Smith uses the nickname Dot. When applying for credit cards Dorothy always applies in the name, Dot Smith.
When Dorothy is approved for the credit card she immediately tells the company to send three more cards for the account. This brings the account up to the optimum number of cards per account for her.
Changing back to your legal name
Now that Dorothy has four cards on the account she changes the name on her account. She simply writes the company a letter and requests that her account be changed to Dorothy, her legal name that’s on her driver’s license.
Dorothy explains in her letter how it would save time and trouble by having the account name match her ID name.
Leveraging name changes without changing your account
When the company complies to her request, which is almost always done, she is then sent four cards with the name Dorothy on them. Now Dorothy has eight cards on her new account, four in the name of Dot and four in the name of Dorothy.
When one collector used this technique for the first time, she had about 100 credit card accounts open. She already had each account up to the maximum number of additional cards she could get on each account.
By sitting down one Sunday afternoon and using a personalized typed form letter she had done at work, she mailed out her requests for a name change on all her accounts. Within 30 days of sending out her letters, this collector received 350 new cards bearing her new account name!
Some collectors have found that name changing is one of the fastest ways to enlarge the number of current credit cards in a collection without even having to apply for a new account.
Copyright Greg Tunks, 1991