Taken from an article published in the Credit Card Collectors magazine, 1992
This is my dream, so don’t interrupt me.
Does anyone honestly believe there’ll be coins, currency and plastic credit cards? Good luck if you do.
When Jupiter has cities and telepathy replaces the telephone, why think anything will be the way it is today?
As much as I’d like to think plastic will reign supreme, I’ve got to face reality. Plastic will be replaced by body heat and biorhythm readers.
Imagine 1,000 years from now that you’re on Mars. You’re from the U.S.
You want to buy a drink at a local convenience store. Do you honestly think you’ll whip out some pocket change? No way.
What about the guys from France or Russia, pulling out their local currency. Far fetched, isn’t it.
Do you think a plastic card will be inserted into something? Wishful thinking again.
How about a fingerprint onto a machine? Too archaic.
We’re dealing with things that are beyond our imagination. But there’s hope for us.
We’re the people that saved the relics of money from those dark ages on Earth. People will love to enjoy looking at plastic credit cards that collectors have saved.
What else is a museum of ancient culture about?
But what’s the difference? We did our job by collecting and protecting pieces from our day and age. What more is to be expected?
Copyright Credit Card Collectors magazine, 1992